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Introduction to Space Tech Transfers and Innovation Management

Beginner | Duration: 21:05


Cecilia Hertz, founder of Umbilical Design and co-founder of I.S.A.A.C offers insights in innovation from space. International Space Asset Acceleration Company (I.S.A.A.C.) works to leverage space tech to drive innovation for planet Earth. Cecilia shares her experiences of working with astronauts, NASA, Sir Richard Branson and other space entrepreneurs as the course explores space applications in various industries and myriad fields.

Prerequisites and audience

The audience is all people working within an organization they want to develop and all people interested in a sustainable way of living and what we can learn from space. 

Course Goal

Explore space sector insights and applications for Earth, examining space technologies, materials, behavior changes, and knowledge transfer to drive innovation, sustainability, and problem-solving in non-space industries.


After the course, you can purchase a digital micro-credential certificate, linked to the Blockchain, for USD29.



Cecilia Hertz

Cecilia Hertz started her career in the space sector already as an Industrial design student at Lund Institute of Technology in Sweden. An initial STAR design project at NASA, Houston, Johnson Space Center was followed by her Diploma work at NASA, Houston, developing the interior of the Crew Return Vehicle (CRV), which was planned as a rescue vehicle for the International Space Station (ISS).

Umbilical Design was founded in 2001 by industrial designer Cecilia Hertz, and since its inception has worked with NASA and ESA on design for the space industry. Umbilical Design is an innovation consultancy company with over 15 years of experience in space technology transfer representing Sweden as part of ESA Space Solutions Network.
Cecilia Hertz has been successful in showing how design, technology and material from the space industry can be transferred to sustainable solutions. What Cecilia Hertz call the “Astronaut lifestyle” inspires to increased sustainability both through technology and behaviour changes. It also inspires to a new mindset. Technology developed for space can serve as a driving force in developing and transferring sustainable solutions to terrestrial challenges. Space technology transfer is a potential growth engine and an innovative force for industry.

Umbilical Design has worked with a wide range of large companies over the years such as Volvo Cars, Electrolux, Scania and Björn Borg, and active in industries such as forestry industry, steel industry, truck and car industry, and the construction industry.

In year 2022 Hertz founded I.S.A.A.C. International Space Asset Acceleration Company, with serial entrepreneur Mattias Hansson and Swedish Astronaut Christer Fuglesang as co-owner. First project in I.S.A.A.C. is Space for Agenda 2030, with the purpose to accelerate sustainable development by using insights and technologies from space sector. I.S.A.A.C. proudly works with NREP, Koenigsegg, Stilride, Jernkontoret, STUA and Stena Fastigheter.

Cecilia Hertz is a frequently booked speaker and panellist at seminars, and has recently launched a book called “SPACE – and everything we can learn from it”.
Cecilia Hertz gives speaks within space technology transfer, design for outer space and extreme environments, design strategy, innovation, creativity, sustainable city development and entrepreneurship.


Paulo Malta

It was a very inspiring course. No doubt, I will add space to my next innovation project.

Cher Marisse Gulinao

The course is veryInsightful. You get to fully understand our potential and use current technology to better our construction with the use of Space Technology

Dr. Kasia Hein-Peters

It is such a mind-opening course! From now on I will always think about innovations inspired by space exploration.

Eoin Flavin

Fascinating. Seeing links, spotting opportunities, reinforcing the right mindset AND showcasing specific examples of BIG impacts from looking outside your own domain(s). Well done Cecilia!

Nina Alexieva

Thank you very much. So inspiring to see the path of your endeavour. I really agree about the Why Not - people. I want to work with such people.